Sunday, July 30, 2006

open invitation

my friends captivate me...a strong word: captivating; but I believe it holds true for last night's was an open invitation to be entranced by a string of delightful people who chose to simply 'be'...let me explain..picture an old scarred barn, that from the outside would seem like any other barn were it not for the skateboard ramps that invited one up to a door that occasionally was slung open; light spilling its way out with the strains of music and laughter.....

inside, both the stage and the seats were more skateboard ramps, and people were sprawled all over the lower ramps, tucked into corners of rafters, legs dangling freely off higher there we all were, occasional dancers would jump up to spin and twirl with the melodies, cheers erupted at the sight and giggles slipped their way into the dance's texture...each musician that greeted the stage, tackled the ramp with their own speed in hopes of reaching the top to grant the audience the songs they expected...dawna truly captivated us with a new song of hers and I found myself with an equal invitation to be spellbound at her words...

due to a flooded basement I missed the majority of the magic...but the magic remained til the very end, holding us all on the hard sloped floors til the last melody had sailed off with the song "darker blue lines" by the wedding party, a perfect ending to find oneself on her feet, swaying to the particular song....the night itself was thrilling....contributing my music to this faithfully attentive crowd drilled nerves into my voice, but the desire to add my own thread to this artwork overwhelmed that, and it was a beautiful night to sing....indeed, it twas a beautiful night to sing...thankyou...

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