Monday, May 22, 2006

I luv this bro's the best

there's something that grabs me about my little brother....coolest kid I know by far...sweet temperment, just lookin' for people to look up to, and boy did he find one today...perhaps it was the invitation to the treefort, or the sweet drum beat lessons that caught Jordan's attention..prolly both...I was sitting up in "The Room" (music jam area) at Jay's parents' house, watching his older bro, Ben, lead Jordan through a series of bro's face was dancing back and forth from one of fixated concentration as he counted out the beats, to slips of frustration that appeared with each miscalculated tap...his face would screw up at his mistake and apologies kept spilling out to which Ben would chuckle in response and say, "it's ok, keep going.." found myself fascinated at Jordan's determination to get it perfect, this first time, anything to impress his audience of doubt Ben was amused by the innocent show of expression that kept popping up in Jordan's toothy the end of our visit, Jordan emerged from the house, loaded up with dirtbike magazines..haha...he's hooked...poor kid arrived home feeling carsick from having his eyes glued to the mags during the drive...ha I luv it...It struck me how much I was impressed by Ben's gentle attitude towards my bro...this poor kid stuck with 3 olders sisters, goodness knows he needs some good male role models...and Ben seemed to slide into that role perfectly today...(so Ben if you read this thanks)...
..for all you big bros out there, man don't brush off that kid that looks up to you...the tiniest bit of time you invest means a buttload of admiration...nothing worth resisting cuz of the priorities you think you have...bros come doubt about it...and boys need big guys to step in and help bro's the best..and he doesn't even know it..:grins:

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