Wednesday, February 01, 2006

why God should come between..

it's quite sad I've found how both guys and girls treat their friendships as affirmations in a's not to imply that all friendships are this way..but from past experience, I used to use my friendships with guys to affirm me as a woman, to make me feel wanted through a bit of what I termed as harmless flirtation..but it wasn't something harmless because it took my focus off a completely different relationship..the one with my Lord and Savior.. a conversation with a friend who was struggling with his girlfriend because of some harmless flirtation, kinda spoke to me becuz I realized that my old reaction (sadly) would have been probably to call him up and flirt and try to comfort him by slipping in a usable verse or two...on the other hand, now that I've fallen for Christ, I can't quite figure out how a relationship could even work with somehow my concentration and love remaining on Christ I think God gives us a medium..a 3 chord strand as He puts it..becuz we can't do without him and yet in any friendship He has to be in that's my focus at this point in time...correct me if I'm wrong..God bless...


Andy Wouda said...


God just needs to be first, When it comes to relationships and even to our guitars. HE COMES FIRST. Glad to see your bloging as well I'll be able to hear what your up to!

Andy Wouda said...
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