Tuesday, April 11, 2006

blessin' ya'll

normally blessings don't begin with "is that a dirty book you're reading?" but in today's case it assuredly did....the morning convo:
old man: is that a dirty book you're reading?
me: no, it's philosophy
old man: oh philosophy's good, useful too..what philosophers?
me: kant, etc..blahblah
old man: you have a boyfriend?
me: nope
old man: well when you meet a guy and you know what he's thinking you can know if he's right for you
me: oh thankyou
old man: you have beautiful earrings
me: thankyou
old man: and eyes..may I have them? *grins* (and I notice that he has no teeth)

and on that note we parted...one friendly convo that sparked a blessing for my day...
makes me think about how easy it is to bless someone, whether through making em laugh, paying a simple compliment, or just even acknowleging their presence with a friendly hello...sometimes I forget that we don't have to include Christianity in blessing ppl but can just bless em in the simple ways..looking back I realize I could have averted my eyes and kept walking when the old man addressed me but I chose not to thankgoodness and got a blessing..groovy
ps. if hannah makes a perverted comment ignore it


the James said...

I'm with Hannah on this one, it is kind of creepy, especially the no teeth part. It clearly means he is either a stalker, or serial killer. No other options.

Hannah said...

I really believe in those small blessings and in being a blessing to those around you in spontaneous ways. I also find it really sad that we are so distrustful in our society these days. Did you know when you take a kid to the washroom now, you have to have 2 people go with you; one to stand at the door and check that you are being appropriate when helping the child on the toilet. Isn't that awful?
All that being said though, this guy is DEFINITELY a creep...why couldn't he have just asked you what book you were reading; why did he have to ask you if it was a DIRTY book? .....Creep.

Being Naive is beautiful..it is also dangerous. There is a balance, and I think that USUALLY you have that balance. I am putting this incident down to you being in too-good-of-a-mood today to let anything get in the way....even creepy old men.

Unknown said...

I love random old people. Me and Alex and this guy Jon were gonna make a video series called "Old People Doin' Stuff". Seriously have you ever watched them do stuff. Like eat, or walk. It's great