Wednesday, April 05, 2006

puttin on the ritz

it was completely could see the figures slowly beginning to raise their instruments...and then--the drums were sparked, a roll of beats that tugged at every pounding heart in the room...the dance floor lit up, sparkling dresses twirled with black suits, and the music caught my feet up in movements I could not refuse..the notes caught ahold of my hand and led me onto the dance floor to the throng of dancers whirling was brilliant...the scene faded as I felt something caught in my shoe..I looked down and perceived the interuption to be a nail and with that the dancers were gone and I was back at my dad's building site with a vacumn in one hand and my fingers grasping at my cd player's volume...I glanced around at the dust-streaked floor, resumed my work, and slyly pulled the volume back up to its original state...the dance was revived and with a shy glance at my partner, I allowed myself to be led forward once again...


Hannah said...

I love this, its beautiful. That's definitely one way to get through doing the laborious job you are doing...go Beth! Imagination is an incredible gift.

the James said...

It's about stinking time you wrote a post. And it was a good one, both of them. I like this one becuase it so cleverly written. The other one is a tear jerker, I sat for a moment, and thought about it. Wow, I am impressed you wrote that. So I will pray for that, you and your daddy.